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Selectmen Minutes 04/14/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
April 14, 2009

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Jordan, Selectman DeBold and Administrator Lisa Stevens.  

Others present: Richard Halloran, Barbara Frangione, Tom Houle, Michelle Plunkett

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm

Subject: Road Advisory Committee Interest
Present: James Kee

Mr. Kee spoke with the Board regarding his interest in becoming a member of the Road Advisory Committee.  Mr. Kee is currently the Asphalt Manager at Concord Sand & Gravel and has previously worked for Pike Industries for several years.  Chairman MacCleery read the introduction paragraph from the Road Advisory Committee Charter and discussed briefly the work and status of the group.  Selectman DeBold moved to appoint James Kee to the Road Advisory Committee.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion carried.

Mr. St. Laurent was running late this evening, the Board moved on to General Business.


Chairman MacCleery moved to appoint Matt Cole as a member of the Capital Improvements Program Committee.  Selectman DeBold seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Selectmen DeBold nominated Susan Hartley for a one year term on the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold nominated Ansel Sanborn, Michelle Doucette and Todd Hammond for two year terms on the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold nominated Zach Boyajian for a three year term on the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.
Chairman MacCleery moved to appoint Ewen MacKinnon for a three year term on the Parks and Recreation Commission.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

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BOS minutes
April 14, 2009

Chairman MacCleery moved to adopt the Mileage Reimbursement Policy as written.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Selectman DeBold reported on the status of the HVAC system replacement at the Safety Building. The existing furnaces in the lower level are being reworked to accommodate the police department renovations along with their current functions of heating the bays and some areas on the main floor.  To date, plumber Bob Gagne has donated all of his time to the project. Selectman DeBold recommended that Mr. Gagne continue with this part of the heating upgrade and pay Mr. Gagne a portion of the warrant article money dedicated for the Safety Building HVAC.  For the remainder of the project, the roof-top unit to correct the lack of heat in some of the fire department locations, Selectman DeBold has received a sample bid specification sheet from Matt Wilson of Yeaton Associates, to solicit quotes for this furnace replacement only.  The projection of cost for Mr. Gagneís portion of the upgrade is $2,000, still well within the total amount appropriated. The Board agreed with Selectman DeBoldís recommendation to authorize Mr. Gagne to complete the lower level portion of the HVAC upgrade, with the cost coming out of the warrant article appropriation.  A current copy of insurance must be kept on file for Gagne Plumbing & Heating. Selectman DeBold will finalize the bid for the rooftop unit.

Subject: Grounds Maintenance Concerns
Present: Art St. Laurent

The Board met with Mr. St. Laurent to discuss concerns stated by department heads regarding mowing and trimming at various town buildings.  Mr. St. Laurent apologized for any problems that may have occurred last year.  Concerns cited were, lack of trimming around the fire department sign, damage down to the library building as a result of mowing too close and the need for additional trimming around the dugouts at Carpenter Park.  Mr. St. Laurent stated he would be happy to address those issues and requested that any time a concern arises, to contact him immediately.  Art asked that the fire department be notified about leaving ropes, hoses or other items on the lawn that may get caught in the mower.  Also, areas need to be cleaned of winter debris and branches prior to mowing commencing.  This is the responsibility of the town as it is no longer included in the bid.  The Board will mention this to department heads.  Mr. St. Laurent again relayed to the Board that he was agreeable to holding his price from last year.  Motion Selectman DeBold, second Selectman Jordan, to hire Saint Lawn Care for the 2009 season as he is a known vendor and committed to holding his price.  All were in favor, motion carried. Current insurance is on file for this vendor.

General Business/Board Discussion:

Selectman DeBold moved to execute a Deed Waiver for map 4, lot 45, for non payment of taxes.  Chairman MacCleery seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

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BOS minutes
April 14, 2009

Chairman MacCleery stated his concern that Mr. Pinckney has stated that both the Police Chief and Fire Chief have been in his home during the past six months, the Fire Chief to inspect the woodstove.  Chief Vien stated he has not inspected the woodstove.  Chairman MacCleery cited this to be a safety concern and proposed the Fire Chief contact Mr. Pinckney and schedule an inspection or at least inquire as to the signed permit that should be on file.  Selectman DeBold concurred that the Fire Chief should follow-up on this safety matter.  This will be brought to the Chiefís attention at the next department head meeting.

Chairman MacCleery has received a phone call from resident Leduc on Swiggey Brook Road as well as reviewed an email in the correspondence folder from neighbor Lawrence regarding extensive site work taking place at the Lutska property.  There are no open building permits on file, a sign permit was issued recently by the Building Inspector, there are no plans before the Planning Board and no Intents to Cut have been filed with the Selectmenís Office. The caller was referred to the State Forester and the Department of Environmental Services.  Chairman MacCleery would like to review the zoning for information regarding off premises signage.

The Board briefly discussed the petition submitted last week requesting twenty-four hour police coverage around the Durgin Road areas while Mr. Raymond Guay resides in town. Selectman DeBold stated he is hesitant to put more coverage on Durgin Road, the Board has talked to counsel regarding this matter and the town has to be extremely careful of everybodyís rights.  Selectman DeBold suggested the Board not do any more than what the town is doing now.  Selectman Jordan and Chairman MacCleery agreed.

Selectman DeBold has reviewed the memo February 2008 memo from Richard Millette requesting payment for a damaged mailbox.  The mailbox was hit by the snow plows three times last year.  The Board has reimbursed Mr. Millette for the cost of his mailbox and post after the January 2008 adoption of the Winter Maintenance Policy.  The reasoning stated for this decision was that the mailbox was damaged originally in December 2007, prior to the adoption of that policy.  Chairman MacCleery agreed.  Selectman DeBold and Chairman MacCleery were still not in favor of granting the March request from Mike Mobbís for reimbursement of damages to his mailbox.   Selectman Jordan disagreed stating that the Mobbís mailbox is located in a perfectly legal location and Mr. Mobbís contends his mailbox was intentionally hit.

Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the grant for $5,000, to update the townís Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the DWI and Rte 4 & 28 Speed Enforcements grants from the Department of Highway Safety.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

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BOS minutes
April 14, 2009

 The Board directed Lisa to forward the request for nominations of two members to represent Chichester on the Central NH Regional Planning Commission to the Planning Board for their recommendations.  
Chairman MacCleery moved to accept the offer of $200.00 from Matt Cole for the used Arc Air Unit at the Fire Department.  Selectman Jordan seconded the motion.  All were in favor, motion carried.

The Board discussed the paving bid for the parking lot at the Community Building.  The Board wishes to wait on sending until the Road Agent has met with Historical Society member Bernie Reinhardt regarding this project.  

The Board signed the agreement for engineering services for the Depot Street Bridge repair from CLD Engineering.  The Board held off signing the general engineering services agreement until a rate schedule could be obtained.

The Board directed Lisa to solicit quotes for the fuel tank replacement at the Community Building.

Selectman DeBold reported that during his site visit today, there remain two unregistered vehicles at the Patten residence. Selectman DeBold has left word with the Pattenís to contact him and discuss the situation.

Selectman Jordan reported that he has noted three vehicles in various stages of disrepair at the Doucette residence.  Lisa was directed to send another letter to the Doucetteís notifying them of non-compliance.

Mrs. Frangione informed the Board that Peter Bullock, owner of 7 Siding stopped by the Community Building to check on any damage that may have occurred during the winter to the new siding.  There was none.  Mr. Bullock has graciously offered to fix the repair to the siding on the library, free of charge. The Building Inspector has examined the railings and repairs will be made and the highway department has returned the fallen boulder to the retaining wall.

Selectman DeBold voiced his concerns over the specificity and detail of questions being sought by the CIP committee for the road project submissions.  In reading the draft forms formulated by the committee, it is Selectman DeBoldís opinion that these are the types of questions and concerns, engineering and technical details, would have been discussed and reviewed by the Road Agent and the Road Advisory Committee before the project was submitted to the CIP committee.  Selectman DeBold did not believe that this level of technical critique and detailed examination is a function of the CIP committee.

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April 14, 2009

Selectman DeBold stated he is very appreciative of all the work the CIP has done over the past year, but feels this is overstepping the charge of the committee as outlined in statute and is concerned that the committee will become a clearing house for projects, either approving or disapproving the inclusion of projects into the CIP.  He does not believe this is the charge of the CIP committee.  The other Board members agreed. The Board directed Lisa, with the guidance of Selectman DeBold to draft a letter to the committee, outlining the Boardís concerns.  

There was nothing new to report regarding the glare complaint at the Weathervane Restaurant.

Lisa has scheduled a meeting with the government representative from Comcast to discuss the cable franchise renewal.

The Board discussed an email suggesting a Frisbee Golf Park on town property.  Selectman DeBold will follow-up with resident Konefal.

Selectman DeBold and Building Inspector John Dever have met to finalize the Commercial occupancy Permit.  This will be forwarded to the Selectmen and Planning Board for final comment and adoption.

The Board briefly discussed Selectman DeBoldís request to form an Economic Development Committee.  It was suggested to contact Pittsfield Selectman Ed Vien, a prominent member of the Pittsfield EDC and invite him in for a discussion.  Lisa will invite Jeff Hapgood, who expressed interest in joining this committee of when that meeting will take place.

Lisa requested hiring the maintenance man to clean the side yard and adjacent woods at the Grange Building.  Selectman Jordan volunteered to clean this area. It was suggested that maybe students looking to fulfill community service requirements could adopt a town building and perform outside cleanups.  Lisa was asked to contact the elementary school and Pembroke Academy.

Lisa passed along a concern from Ferrin Road resident, Bob Gagne regarding the condition of the road and the need for further grading.  Lisa will notify the Road Agent.

Lisa passed along another concern of the trash pile located on the back lawn of the Batchelder residence.  This is visible when entering the Grange parking lot and not a pleasing site when approaching a town building.  This has been investigated in the past and deemed not to be a hazard by the Health Officer.

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BOS minutes
April 14, 2009

Lisa requested that a volunteer be solicited to remove the trash and contact be made with BCEP to accept the trash at no cost to the town.  Chairman MacCleery stated he would like to research the laws regarding disposal of refuse prior to any action being taken.

 The remaining mail and correspondence were reviewed.

Accounts payable and payroll were signed.

The minutes of April 7, 2009, were approved as written.

Being no further business for this evening, Chairman MacCleery adjourned the meeting at 9:00pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens                                                            Approved As Written
Administrator                                                                   4/21/09

_________________________    ____________________ ______________________
Stephen MacCleery, Chairman     Jeffrey Jordan           Richard DeBold